Friday, October 9, 2015

Some Current Thoughts.. and Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Excuse my typos.. for this was rushed and quick. But needed.

So as I sit here in one of 17 (exaggeration.. but for 5) Starbucks in Yas Mall, sipping on my "grande, soy, no whip, no foam, 1 pump, pumpkin spice latte"… *takes breath*.. I minimized my online textbook and weekly assignment for I have too many thoughts and if I don't type them up now.. I'll forget them.

I live on post-its. My short term memory is ridiculous.

Current thoughts;

1. This PSL is off the chain. Wish I ordered nonfat instead of soy though. Next time. But 1 flavor shot on point. (Fun (Nasty) Fact: Starbucks grande drinks have 4 pumps of flavor syrup… helllllllll no.)

2. I woke up this morning and tried to imagine rainfall against my bedroom window. I miss rain. So much.

3. I also miss a breeze. Once in a  while, you'll get one. Then you count up to 2.5 seconds, and that happiness is gone.

4. I just finished my latte, and am considering another.

5. I went to the Dave Matthews Band last night. Now.. I have some experiences with this man.. most have to do with his music forced upon me. I shouldn't say forced, but I have really never gone out of my way to listen to him. Boy.. was I missing out. This concert was incredible. Their music is incredible. Their vibe, their harmonies, their everything.. incredible. These guys play real music. Their energy is so incredibly contagious.. New fan.

6. At the concert, we stood right in front of a family of 4. Mom, dad, 2 twin daughters (14-15 yrs old?) I couldn't help but watch them as much as I was watching Dave. Typical, laid back, expat parents.. looks like they've probably done some time in the Peace Corps, smoked some definite weed in their young and old years, had a love of traveling, had these two girls, and decided to share their love of traveling and culture with their offspring. Could I be totally judgmental and wrong? Absolutely. What I do know is that these parents love their children and started playing Dave to them while still in the womb. The mom was killing it with her dance skills EVERY song. The dad had the whole chill, rock back and forth style with the white linen pants look and deep V with some cool ass necklace he probably got in India. And the girls, sitting on top of the fence, bobbing along to every song. Never once looking bored, never once making fun of their mother who was just taking over every area she could spin around in. And the happiness between all four of them.The love that radiated through this husband and wife when they looked at each other. As the husband leaned against the fence, smiling from ear to ear, while watching his crazy ass wife. It was like I could see into his mind.. "My, god, she's beautiful. How lucky am I to have her in my life. How lucky am I to be able to expose these girls to these cultures, this music, this world. God, I love my life."
They were content. They were so happy. They were so relaxed.

And then I thought.. they are what I want.

I want to find someone to travel the world with. I want someone who wants to travel, and live that expat life.. at least for a little while.

And then I thought.. wait MaryKate, you found that person. Those things were all agreed to. They were mutual beliefs. Mutual values. Mutual goals and dreams. We were ready. We were set.

And then I thought.. Okay. Namaste. Five deep breaths. Accept. Move on. Back to Dave.

I digress..

7. Still sitting in Starbucks, with a cart full of amazing mercy from ACE (including: dust buster, Brita, Magic Bullet, cookie baking sheet (that actually fits into our oven/won't melt).. WHY? Because we finally got paid!!

8. Yes, finally.. first pay check (after 6 weeks). Let's just say it's been rough. My credit card has especially been struggling. I think sometimes I hear it crying from my wallet pleading for me to stop using it.

9. A family just left. An Emirate family. Husband, wife, 2 children, 1 infant, and a nanny. (Almost all Emirate families here have nannies. Very common) Just some observations:
1. The wife and husband are sitting alone, not talking. Husband is on his phone. Wife looks bored.
2. Wife waves over to the nanny. Nanny brings over her purse. Wife says nothing. Wife grabs something out of her bag. Holds up the purse for the nanny,. Says nothing to nanny.
3. Children are running amok.
4. Nanny looks on edge, constantly looking over at husband/wife team.

Across the way.. another mother is sitting, on her phone., while her children climb the architecture of Starbucks. I almost jumped out of my seat to catch the boy who's foot slipped. She looks over (in slow motion) says something disciplinary. Children continue climbing. She looks back to her phone, not bothered.